We have resumed work~

Happy Year of the Loong! Hope this message finds you well and thriving.

It is so exciting to announce that as of February 19 2024, we have officially resumed from Spring Festival holiday. We are fully staffed, our facilities are buzzing, every department is brimming with post-holiday enthusiasm. and our operations are back in full swing! We’re charged with fresh energy and eager to tackle new challenges. We understand that timing is everything in business, so we’re ready to quickly respond to your needs and process any orders you may have. If there’s anything specific you require or if you’d like to catch up on plans for the year ahead, please feel free to get in touch. Looking forward to a prosperous continuation of our collaboration! We are equipped to ensure that your next order will be met with the highest standards of quality and promptness you’ve come to expect from us at Richroc. Please let us know how we can assist you in achieving your business goals this year. Our partnership means the world to us, and we’re here to make sure that your needs are met with care and precision.


Looking forward to our continued copperation together!

Post time: Feb-19-2024